Now its time to prepare…..
Before you begin Pulling, that is, searching and dating Bulls, you will first need to make some changes in your own life to accommodate your new lifestyle. Your prospective Bulls will want you to be at your most desirable and attractive and beginning a regime of beauty upkeep, as well as scheduling time for your own needs will be paramount. As is often the case, your husband or boyfriend will most likely help you make these changes and will actually become enthralled in providing you the monetary needs and time needed to accomplish these tasks. Don’t be afraid to ask for his assistance, he will probably enjoy it immensely.
Where to start:
Join a Gym: Regardless of your body type or beginning weight, you will want to join your local gymnasium and begin working out frequently. Not only will this help you become more desirable, tone your body and keep you healthy, the gym is an excellent place to find black men. Black men are very aware of they’re bodies and tend to work out three or four days a week, you should too. I personally have found two Bulls at my local gym and find the gym to be an easy going and neutral place to meet and Pull attention.
Hair care, Nails and Skin: Your next investment of time and money would be well spent at your local salon and nail center. Your starting a new lifestyle, so you should start your new adventure with a new look. Find a complimentary hair style that’s updated and suits your needs and personal choice. Many women who are just starting out attempt to get a hair style that looks more urban or “black” I would suggest not doing this. Your prospective bull wants to see you as a White woman, not a white woman who has “black” or urban hair styles. You’ll actually find that more Bulls will give you they’re attention if you have a more subtle and yet provocative hair style. This can also be said for your finger and toenail care. Shy away from busy nail care. Keep it simple but professionally kept.
That hair down there: This is a key issue before and even after you’ve started dating Bulls. As your Bull, he will give you direction as how he wants you to look while naked, follow his direction. Your Bull may or may not want you to shave your body but you should be willing to do so if directed. If you don’t yet have a Bull, its wise to remove all hair while your dating. Your prospective Bull will want you soft and smooth and generally attractive in all ways. It’s your responsibility to meets his desires.
Lets go shopping!: Your next step in embracing your new lifestyle is to find new and attractive clothes. Not only will this help you attract your prospective Bulls but it will also give you the added confidence you’ll need while searching and dating. I would suggest first, getting a good, form fitting exercise outfit for your new gym membership. Like I stated before, the gym is a great place not only to get tone and fit but also finding and hopefully flirting with a few black men so you’ll want to look your best. Next, look for slim fitting nighttime outfits that will show off your body and can be worn at various places such as dance clubs and for going out to dinner. Remember, you’re a wonderful spectacle and your Bull will want to show you off. I would suggest limiting the amount of pants suits or jeans that you wear for your bull. Instead go will figure hugging dresses that show off your body and make you feel sexy. These will not only entice your Bull, it will also make you feel more like the beautiful woman you are. Again, I suggest staying away from more urban or hip-hop clothing choices. Your bull wants to see a white woman on his arm not some false representation of a bad stereotype. Go for Class, go for Style and go for Sexy!
Lingerie: For your husband the best lingerie should be your body, for your Bull you should be prepared! The best thing to keep in mind when deciding what lingerie to purchase is that your Bull is NOT your husband. Your prospective bull(s) will have a varied taste when it comes to how he wants you to present yourself to him. Some will want complex garter belts, leather corsets and hosiery, while others will just want your natural state. Until you can tune into what your Bull desires though, it’s best to go with a wide variety. I would suggest that you use this opportunity to experiment with the different combinations and styles of sexy, deviant and classic lingerie on the market. The important thing to remember is that when your wearing these alluring garments, your telling your Bull that you want him and want him to be happy. The wrong choice in garments can make for an uncomfortable and awkward experience, the right choice can bring you and your Bull to heights of sexual fulfillment you’ve never experienced before. I would suggest having two pairings of black and white thigh-high stockings, garter belts for each, sexy bedroom shoes, sexy and form fitting bra and panty sets, camisoles of various colors as well as any experimental choices you may prefer. It is also good to note that you should place these items away from your husband or boyfriends view and access. These items are to be shared between you and your Bull and are not for him.
Condoms and birth control: While your first lunch date in which your husband/boyfriend will attend (that I’ll get into later) shouldn’t end in any kind of sexual activity beyond touching and caressing, your first date with your Bull alone, definitely will. You should be prepared for providing yourself to your bull and have already been on or have condoms with you in expectation of this. Ultimately, it is your Bulls decision whether or not he chooses to use a condom but you should be on birth control four months prior to dating. In time your bull may decide to have you stop taking your birth control (We’ll get to that later also) but until that time you should operate under the assumption that he doesn’t want you to have children.
Before you begin Pulling, that is, searching and dating Bulls, you will first need to make some changes in your own life to accommodate your new lifestyle. Your prospective Bulls will want you to be at your most desirable and attractive and beginning a regime of beauty upkeep, as well as scheduling time for your own needs will be paramount. As is often the case, your husband or boyfriend will most likely help you make these changes and will actually become enthralled in providing you the monetary needs and time needed to accomplish these tasks. Don’t be afraid to ask for his assistance, he will probably enjoy it immensely.
Where to start:
Join a Gym: Regardless of your body type or beginning weight, you will want to join your local gymnasium and begin working out frequently. Not only will this help you become more desirable, tone your body and keep you healthy, the gym is an excellent place to find black men. Black men are very aware of they’re bodies and tend to work out three or four days a week, you should too. I personally have found two Bulls at my local gym and find the gym to be an easy going and neutral place to meet and Pull attention.
Hair care, Nails and Skin: Your next investment of time and money would be well spent at your local salon and nail center. Your starting a new lifestyle, so you should start your new adventure with a new look. Find a complimentary hair style that’s updated and suits your needs and personal choice. Many women who are just starting out attempt to get a hair style that looks more urban or “black” I would suggest not doing this. Your prospective bull wants to see you as a White woman, not a white woman who has “black” or urban hair styles. You’ll actually find that more Bulls will give you they’re attention if you have a more subtle and yet provocative hair style. This can also be said for your finger and toenail care. Shy away from busy nail care. Keep it simple but professionally kept.
That hair down there: This is a key issue before and even after you’ve started dating Bulls. As your Bull, he will give you direction as how he wants you to look while naked, follow his direction. Your Bull may or may not want you to shave your body but you should be willing to do so if directed. If you don’t yet have a Bull, its wise to remove all hair while your dating. Your prospective Bull will want you soft and smooth and generally attractive in all ways. It’s your responsibility to meets his desires.
Lets go shopping!: Your next step in embracing your new lifestyle is to find new and attractive clothes. Not only will this help you attract your prospective Bulls but it will also give you the added confidence you’ll need while searching and dating. I would suggest first, getting a good, form fitting exercise outfit for your new gym membership. Like I stated before, the gym is a great place not only to get tone and fit but also finding and hopefully flirting with a few black men so you’ll want to look your best. Next, look for slim fitting nighttime outfits that will show off your body and can be worn at various places such as dance clubs and for going out to dinner. Remember, you’re a wonderful spectacle and your Bull will want to show you off. I would suggest limiting the amount of pants suits or jeans that you wear for your bull. Instead go will figure hugging dresses that show off your body and make you feel sexy. These will not only entice your Bull, it will also make you feel more like the beautiful woman you are. Again, I suggest staying away from more urban or hip-hop clothing choices. Your bull wants to see a white woman on his arm not some false representation of a bad stereotype. Go for Class, go for Style and go for Sexy!
Lingerie: For your husband the best lingerie should be your body, for your Bull you should be prepared! The best thing to keep in mind when deciding what lingerie to purchase is that your Bull is NOT your husband. Your prospective bull(s) will have a varied taste when it comes to how he wants you to present yourself to him. Some will want complex garter belts, leather corsets and hosiery, while others will just want your natural state. Until you can tune into what your Bull desires though, it’s best to go with a wide variety. I would suggest that you use this opportunity to experiment with the different combinations and styles of sexy, deviant and classic lingerie on the market. The important thing to remember is that when your wearing these alluring garments, your telling your Bull that you want him and want him to be happy. The wrong choice in garments can make for an uncomfortable and awkward experience, the right choice can bring you and your Bull to heights of sexual fulfillment you’ve never experienced before. I would suggest having two pairings of black and white thigh-high stockings, garter belts for each, sexy bedroom shoes, sexy and form fitting bra and panty sets, camisoles of various colors as well as any experimental choices you may prefer. It is also good to note that you should place these items away from your husband or boyfriends view and access. These items are to be shared between you and your Bull and are not for him.
Condoms and birth control: While your first lunch date in which your husband/boyfriend will attend (that I’ll get into later) shouldn’t end in any kind of sexual activity beyond touching and caressing, your first date with your Bull alone, definitely will. You should be prepared for providing yourself to your bull and have already been on or have condoms with you in expectation of this. Ultimately, it is your Bulls decision whether or not he chooses to use a condom but you should be on birth control four months prior to dating. In time your bull may decide to have you stop taking your birth control (We’ll get to that later also) but until that time you should operate under the assumption that he doesn’t want you to have children.
Hello and thank you for letting me know you started this new blog, I feel honored to be leaving your first comments!
ReplyDeleteI just want to say I think your writing talent is extraordinary and the devotion your lifestyle as evidenced by this wonderful blog is second to none. In fact, you wound up inspiring me to start a blog of my own to celebrate the lives of Women like yourselves. Both your Bull and your husband must think they are the luckiest men in the world to have you in their life, I look forward to reading more of your inspirational guidance in the future!
Take care,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. It's people like you that really make this blog and my "blogging" worthwhile. As you know this lifestyle of ours can be daunting so I really do appriciate your friendship.
I am glad to see more online schooling so to speak, to inform and educate potential white females on the lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteI only disagree with one thing you said and that is about the hair down there. Since it is much easier and quicker to shave it off as opposed to grow it back, I would say leave it and let the bull make the decision on whether he wants any down there or not. If so, it's there and if not it will be gone next time.
You're absolutely right. As your Bull, I'll decide if I want I want you shaved, trimmed or natural. Besides one of the things that attracts me to White women is the variety of colors and textures of their pubic hair.
ReplyDeleteI have to say you make apoint I pondered. Obviously the bull has the deciding voice and if I'm completly honest. I've never had a bull who didnt tell me right away what he wanted to see in my private area.
Thank you.
I too think he makes a great point, but I have yet to hear of a black bull who wanted his white woman's privates anything other than completely shaved bare for him. Perhaps most important is that we all know Susan will immediately allow her hair to grow back if her black bull tells her too.
ReplyDeleteWell honey, some of us like shaved, some like trimmed , while others prefer natural. Personally, I like hairy White pussy. As time goes by, I may trim it or shave it, depending on my mood.
DeleteHey Susan, boy you really inspired something with me in creating a blog, it looks like I started my ownn internet Interracial version of Playboy. Check it out and LMK if you want to "reign" for a month lol. I am sure anyone who has found this blog of yours would agree that if any woman deserves to be profiled, it's you!
ReplyDeleteHope your having a great weekend. Dan
This is a very interesting and informative blog. Hopefully black bulls and white women will promote it --despite its understandable easily fixed shortcomings. I will enjoy following this blog and contributing as things move ahead
ReplyDeleteHey just wanted to say I cant stress how much I would love to profile you! Drop me a note on CS if you still want to do it and we can work out the details!
This is very hot, love your details
ReplyDeleteexcellent post....the bull will decide about the birth control....very hot, can't wait to read more about this subject....
ReplyDeleteBeen missing my little Emily Dickenson of the BM/WF interracial lifestyle, just wanted to say hi and that i hope to hear from you.
Very informative and well stated Blog. The tone is excellent, informative and encouraging.
ReplyDeletePlease, please post more.
Have you been 'bred' by Black Seed? What was your Bull's reaction to having him impregnate you? Your husband's.
From a bulls point of view: I agree, keep it shaved bare down there. It only makes me want to give you more oral sex when I see your lips uncovered by hair.
As a black bull, I find this very informative. I recently met a white couple at the gym. They invited me to work out with them. Its still in its early stages so I can't say with certainity about their agenda if there's any. The thoughts and possibilities on how I want this to turn out is very exciting.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the intersting information! Cindy x
ReplyDeleteHello, I am a late 40s married white school teacher, and recently started dating a 19 yo. black male, former high school star from my district. He did not attend my school as I am an elementary school teacher, but I knew of his athletic prowess, which is only half as great as his sexual prowess. I have told two teacher friends of mine, and they are now seeing him too. Both are married like me and both have husbands who have given them the green light just like mine!
ReplyDeleteI had never tried anal until this beautiful young man came into the picture and now, he wants to have me try Double penetration, of course with one of his former basketball teammates. Now... I want to, but I am not sure where this would lead. I talked to my two girlfriends and they say he has not mentioned it yet to them, but they would also like to try, but would be somewhat scared. We all are for fear this might get out in the open. Anyways...we love this lifestyle, we are hooked, and if I could have his baby,I would... thats just me...
Idk about any of these other people but my man just got his D.S. in biochem engineering last may, the same time I got my B.S. in the same field. So I'm quite confident our children will excel academically and be well disciplined. As Kelvin played football for USC Trojans and i ran track/cross country in high school, and was on dance team, I bet our children will be athletic, intelligent, well mannered, and contributors to our community as they grow up...fyi
ReplyDeleteO and as for the nails, lingerie, piercings, tats, etc, it's been my experience that black men want us bare down there, they like painted nails, but not big on piercings or tats. Kelvin could care less abt lingerie. To him it's a waste of time and money. He just likes me naked. In fact, the only time he lets me wear anything to bed is when it's super cold out, like Christmas time at my parents' house. He doesn't care for pumps or stilettos or any of that either. He likes me barefooted, or in flipflops, but dressy shoes at work, where he's 1 of my bosses. I have 1 tatoo on my bottom that's small and says Dixie (heart)'s Kelvin. I wear clothes to work and church which are sexy, but classy-appropriate. No short skirts, or too low cut tops. I seldom wear pantyhose/stockings except during winter. He loves being married to a classy LADY, who is respected by all who know me. My class/appearance is a reflection on him as the head of our home, and as a deacon at church. So you can not like me if you want, but you gotta respect me. :) and if you know me you gota love me. Even our white supremist neighbors have learned to enjoy us as neighbors lol. I bake stuff for everyone on our street and we invite neighbors for bbq/grilling fequently, including ppl we don't like to show them Christ's love and who we are as Christians.
ReplyDeleteMmmm, my wife was black bred on a business trip. She came home pregnant with his twins. Now when I go out of town my black bull neighbor is breeding her. I got her on fertility pills we are hoping he gives her triplets.
ReplyDeleteMore power to you! I have been PG 4 times now. I lost 3 black babies and have had two I am trying again now!